Go from a total beginner to an advanced JavaScript developer
Code 3 beautiful real-world apps with both ES5 and ES6+ (no boring toy apps)
JavaScript and programming fundamentals: variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc.
Complex features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions, closures
Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX and APIs
Modern JavaScript for 2018: NPM, Webpack, Babel and ES6 modules
A true understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes
What's new in ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc.
Practice your new skills with coding challenges (solutions included)
Organize and structure your code using JavaScript patterns like modules
Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A
Downloadable lectures, code and design assets for all projects
JavaScript Language Basics
How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes
4Section Intro
5Download the Code
6Let's start coding!
7A Brief Introduction to JavaScript
8Variables and Data Types
9Variable Mutation and Type Coercion
10Basic Operators
11Operator Precedence
12Coding Challenge 1
13Coding Challenge 1: Solution
14If / else Statements
15Boolean Logic
16The Ternary Operator and Switch Statements
17Truthy and Falsy Values and Equality Operators
18Coding Challenge 2
19Coding Challenge 2: Solution
21Function Statements and Expressions
23Coding Challenge 3
24Coding Challenge 3: Solution
25Objects and Properties
26Objects and Methods
27Coding Challenge 4
28Coding Challenge 4: Solution
29Loops and Iteration
30Coding Challenge 5
31Coding Challenge 5: Solution, Part 1
32Coding Challenge 5: Solution, Part 2
33JavaScript Versions: ES5, ES6 / ES2015 and ES6+
JavaScript in the Browser: DOM Manipulation and Events
34Section Intro
35Download the Code
36How Our Code Is Executed: JavaScript Parsers and Engines
37Execution Contexts and the Execution Stack
38Execution Contexts in Detail: Creation and Execution Phases and Hoisting
39Hoisting in Practice
40Scoping and the Scope Chain
41The 'this' Keyword
42The 'this' Keyword in Practice
Advanced JavaScript: Objects and Functions
43Section Intro
44Download the Code
45The DOM and DOM Manipulation
465-Minute HTML and CSS Crash Course
47Project Setup and Details
48First DOM Access and Manipulation
49Events and Event Handling: Rolling the Dice
50Updating Scores and Changing the Active Player
51Implementing Our 'Hold' Function and the DRY Principle
52Creating a Game Initialization Function
53Finishing Touches: State Variables
54Coding Challenge 6
55Coding Challenge 6: Solution, Part 1
56Coding Challenge 6: Solution, Part 2
57Coding Challenge 6: Solution, Part 3
Putting It All Together: The Budget App Project
58Section Intro
59Download the Code
60Everything Is an Object: Inheritance and the Prototype Chain
61Creating Objects: Function Constructors
62The Prototype Chain in the Console
63Creating Objects: Object.create
64Primitives vs. Objects
65First Class Functions: Passing Functions as Arguments
66First Class Functions: Functions Returning Functions
67Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)
69Bind, Call and Apply
70Coding Challenge 7
71Coding Challenge 7: Solution, Part 1
72Coding Challenge 7: Solution, Part 2
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The Complete JavaScript Course 2018: Build Real Projects!