Build, test, and launch Node apps
Create Express web servers and APIs
Store data with Mongoose and MongoDB
Use cutting-edge ES6/ES7 JavaScript
Deploy your Node apps to production
Create real-time web apps with SocketIO
Getting Setup
Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)
Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)
8Section Intro
9Using Require
10Requiring Your Own Files
11Using 3rd Party Modules
12Restarting App with Nodemon
13Getting Input From User
14Simplified Input With Yargs
15Working With JSON
16Adding and Saving Notes
17Refactoring For Reusability
18Removing a Note
19Reading Notes and Reusability
20Debugging Node.js Applications
21Debugging via Chrome Dev Tools
22Listing Notes
23Requiring Arguments and Advanced Yargs
24Arrow Functions
Web Servers and Application Deployment
25Section Intro
26Async Basics
27Call Stack & Event Loop
28Callback Functions & APIs
29Pretty Printing Objects
30What's Makes up an HTTP Request?
31Encoding User Input
32Callback Errors
33Abstracting Callbacks
34Wiring Up Weather Search
35Chaining Callbacks Together
36Intro to ES6 Promises
37Advanced Promises
38Promises Quiz
39Weather App With Promises
40Extra Features
Testing Your Applications
MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)
Security and Authentication
60Section Intro
61Installing MongoDB and Robomongo (Mac, Linux)
62Installing MongoDB and Robomongo (Windows)
63Building a NoSQL Vocabulary
64Connecting to Mongo and Writing Data
65The ObjectId
66Fetching Data
67Setting Up The Repo
68Deleting Documents
69Updating Data
70The Mongoose ORM
71Setting Up Mongoose
72Validators, Types, and Defaults
73Installing Postman
74Resource Creation Endpoint - POST /todos
75Testing POST /todos
76List Resources - GET /todos
77Testing GET /todos
78Mongoose Queries and ID Validation
79Getting an Individual Resource - GET /todos/:id
80Testing GET /todos/:id
81Deploy API to Heroku
82Postman Environments
83Delete a Resource - DELETE /todos/:id
84Testing DELETE /todos/:id
85Updating a Resource - PATCH /todos/:id
86Testing PATCH /todos/:id
87Creating a Test Database
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The Complete Node.js Developer Course (2nd Edition)